Every time you do a strength workout, little tears form in your muscles. If you don’t smooth the muscles out with stretches, they could grow unevenly and cause problems later on. Stretching—especially when paired with deep breathing, promotes both a greater range of motion (your joints' abilities to move to their fullest potential) and extensibility (how well your muscles and connective tissues allow those joints to move). As such, I've put together the following list of stretches and movements so that you can build a daily flexibility and mobility routine that will loosen you up.

1.Cross body shoulder stretch

Stand with your feet hips-width apart. Extend your left arm across your chest toward the right side of the room. Use your right arm to draw your left arm closer to your body for a deeper stretch. Hold for 10 seconds, and then repeat on the other arm.

2. Knee to Chest Stretch

This exercise stretches your lower back, hips and hamstrings. Lie on your back with both legs extended, then pull your right knee into your chest. Your left leg should be straight and your back flat on the ground. Hold for 30 seconds to two minutes, then repeat on the other side.

3. Standing side stretch

Standing with your feet together, lift your right arm straight up into the air. Keep your left arm at your side or on your hip. Bend at the waist toward your left so that you feel a stretch in the right side of your waist. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

4. Lunging Hip Flexor Stretch

This stretch stretches your hips, quads and glutes. Kneel on your left knee and place your right foot flat on the floor in front of you, with your knee bent. Lean forward, stretching your left hip toward the floor. Squeeze your bum (this will stretch your hip flexor even more). Hold for 30 seconds to two minutes, switch sides and repeat.

5. Cat Cow

Starting on all fours, make sure knees are stacked underneath hips and shoulders are over wrists. Gently arch and round the back, being mindful to take your gaze with you — remember your neck is a part of your spine!

6. Butterfly Stretch

The butterfly stretch loosens up your hips, glutes, back and thighs. Sit tall with the soles of your feet together and your knees bent out to the sides. Hold onto your ankles and slowly lower your body toward your feet while pressing your knees toward the floor. If you’re too tight to bend over in the beginning, press your knees down for a nice stretch. Hold for 30 seconds to two minutes.

7. Lying spinal twist

Lie down on your back with your arms extended at your sides in a “T” position and your legs bent in table-top position. Twist your legs over to the right, allowing the legs to fall toward the ground or rest on the ground. Look to the left and hold for three breaths. Switch sides.