Incident response

We attach great importance to security issues and welcome all security researchers to report potential security vulnerabilities to improve the security of our products and services.

Vulnerability response and batch process.


Timely monitor and allocate received vulnerabilities


Validate vulnerabilities and confirm exploitability and impact


Provide effective remediation solutions or risk mitigation measures

Scope of impact

Investigate and confirm the full extent of affected products

Release Security Advisory (SA)

Review and publish security advisories for vulnerabilities

Report vulnerabilities

You can report discovered security vulnerabilities through the following methods


Your email should include at least the following information:
-Your organization and contact information
-Affected products and versions
-Description of potential vulnerability
-Information about known vulnerabilities
-Disclosure plan
Attachment information (if any)

While we encourage the investigation of potential security vulnerabilities, we cannot tolerate any activities that may disrupt legitimate users or potentially violate applicable computer misuse, network security, and data protection regulations. Therefore, the following activities are prohibited:
-Modification or destruction of data
-Service interruption or degradation
-Disclosure of personal, proprietary, or financial information

Response time

We will respond to the vulnerabilities submitted within 30 working days.
We will fix the vulnerabilities you reported within one years (by determining them as vulnerabilities)

*Note: Actual vulnerability response time may vary depending on the risk level and complexity of the vulnerability.

Vulnerability disclosure statement

Kingsmith discloses security vulnerabilities in its products in the following manner:
Security advisories: When a potential vulnerability is discovered or noticed externally but has not been confirmed by us, we disclose the basic information of the vulnerability and our investigation progress through security advisories.
Before Kingsmith publicly releases security advisories, the vulnerability information should be kept confidential.
For basic principles and dispute resolution in vulnerability reporting and disclosure process, please contact us in a timely manner. Effective contact information: