5 Best Ankle Strengthening Exercises

Ankles are complex joints that hold a number of muscles and tendons in place. Ankle injuries are common in your fitness journey, but the good news is they’re often preventable. Beyond avoiding doing too much too soon, you can easily add a few ankle-strengthening exercises to your weekly routine.

5 Ankle Strengthening Exercises:

1.Calf Raises/Standing Heel Raise

● Stand up straight with your feet hip-length apart.

● Slowly raise yourself up on your tippy toes and back down again.

● Make sure your ankles aren’t rotating in or out. You want to move straight up and down.

2. Plantar Flexion Stretch:

● Sit down on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you.

● Point one foot away from you, and hold it.

● After 10-15 seconds, stop.

● Try the same thing with the other foot.

3. Heel Toe Walks:

● Walk with your heels lifted, and walk forward 10 steps.

● then walk on your heels with your toes lifted, and walk 10 steps.

● Walk on the inside edges of your feet, then the outside edges.

4. Single Leg Balance:

● Stand up straight with your feet hip-length apart.

● Shift all of your weight onto one of your feet, and lift the other off the ground with knee at 90 degrees.

● Slowly move the lifted foot around in circles.

● Bring your foot back down.

5. Dorsiflexion Stretch

● Sit down on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you.

● Bend one foot up towards your shin, and hold it.

● Stop after 10-15 seconds.

Ankles are probably what you think about least on your fitness journey—and they’re not even muscles. However, they keep you stable and supported whether you’re standing still, walking, sprinting, running, or cycling.